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Reforming Health Benefit Costs

November 29, 2012

Alternative Benefit Funding is showing promise to actually begin to reform health benefits costs. Regency Employee Benefits is offering a plan that has proven to truly lower costs, not just shift the costs to employees. Alternative Benefit Funding has lowered employers’ costs as compared to Blue Cross by between 20% to 40% immediately, and contain …

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ACA – 3 Proposed Rules

November 22, 2012

On Nov. 20, 2012, federal agencies responsible for health care reform released advance copies of three proposed rules implementing provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). See article for details. The proposed regulations relate to: Health insurance market reforms and rate review; Essential health benefits, actuarial value and accreditation; and Employer-based wellness programs.

Disconnect in Medical Services

November 8, 2012

In today’s health care world, there is a disconnect between the person using the medical services and the person paying for the medical services. Traditionally, the employer pays the majority of cost for their employees’ medical care – typically through medical premiums. These premiums however, mask the true cost of the medical care because the …

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Alternative Benefit Funding

November 1, 2012

A New Self-Funded Approach to Group Health Insurance Allows mid-sized employers to take advantage of the same economic benefits that large, self-funded employers have utilized for years. Shows promise to actually begin to reform health benefits costs. Allows employers to utilize market forces to reduce medical fees. Uses risk management techniques such as wellness programs …

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