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ACA and Small Group Health Plan Cancellations – Not So Easy

November 1, 2013

Bob Laszewski, an expert in health care reform, provides insight into ACA’s impact on smaller employers and how dropping group health insurance coverage for their employees is not as easy as it sounds. Read his blog for more information.

FAQ on Marketplaces

September 8, 2013

As the deadline to get health insurance marketplace notices out to employees looms, there are still a lot of questions about how these operate. Check here (PDF) to see answers to many common questions.

Health Insurance Marketplace Notices due Oct. 1st

September 1, 2013

As required by the Affordable Care Act, employers must provide part-time and full-time employees with a notice regarding the Health Insurance Marketplace by October 1, 2013 and new hires must receive this notice within 14 days of the start date of employment. Please see the below for Model Exchange Notices Notice for Employers that Offer …

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The Honor System?

July 15, 2013

According to Bob Laszewski, a leading anaylyst regarding health care policy, health insurance exchanges will be granted the honor system – meaning that insurance exchanges can mostly rely upon the applicant’s statement regarding their income versus requiring proof of income. This issue leads to the question – is there something wrong with the Federal Data …

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IRS Issues Formal Guidance on Employer Mandate Penalties Delay

July 8, 2013

On July 9, 2013, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued formal guidance on the Employer Mandate Penalties Delay. See Notice 2013-45 as well as our Legislative Brief (Link didn’t work) for more details. The delay does not affect any other provision of the ACA, including individuals’ access to premium tax credits for coverage through an Exchange.

Employee Mandate – Delayed One Year!

July 1, 2013

Late last Tuesday, the Department of Treasury unexpectedly announced that the effective date of a key provision of the Affordable Care Act has been delayed for one year. The announcement delays the effective date of the employer shared responsibility requirement, a crucial component of the Affordable Care Act. This provision, also known as the “employer …

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TRG is Celebrating 50 Years!

June 1, 2013

The Robbins Group is celebrating over 50 years in risk management and group health plan solutions! We are thankful for our loyal clients, and pleased we can provide innovative and cost-effective products like our Alternative Benefit Funding program.

Traditional Health Plans Continue to Shift

April 1, 2013

Health insurance coverage continues to shift from traditional plans to high deductible plans that include health savings accounts according to Kaiser Health News Large Companies Are Increasingly Offering Workers Only High Deductible Health Plan

Employers Are Opting for Captive Insurance

March 1, 2013

Captive insurance plans for business and health insurance were usually only reserved for large employers. In the wake of the Affordable Care Act, more employers are seeking alternatives to the ever-growing cost of health insurance plans. Regency offers a self-insured health program for small and mid-sized employers called Alternative Benefit Funding. Regency’s product provides these …

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